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Polish dictionary for aspell/ispell/myspell (SJP.PL) Free Polish dictionary for use in spell-checking. Licensed under GPL 2, LGPL 2.1, MPL 1.1, CC BY 4.0, Apache 2.0. Once the 'pol' dictionary was at this address, but unfortunately it disappeared after updating the server operating system ☹. Now this page is looking for translations in the following dictionaries. Look up the English to Polish translation of slownik in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. Translation for 'sloth' in the free English-Portuguese dictionary and many other Portuguese translations.
Polsko - Angielski Slownik Internetowy
Polish is Eastern European language which belong to the Slavic group of Indo European language
family and is very closely related to Ukrainian, Slovak and Czech, all being mutually quite coprehensible.
Polish is spoken by ca. 38 millions in Poland.
Explanation note:
The following letters should be spelled as below:
c - as English 'ts' | j - as English 'y' in 'yolk' or 'yellow' |
ch - as English 'kh' or as 'ch' in Scottish Loch Ness | £ - stands for Polish hard 'l' |
sz - stands for 'sh' as in 'show' | cz - stands for 'ch' as in 'child' |
Polish 'rz' should be spelled as 'zh' | w - as English 'v' |
z' - as English 'zh' and in other cases sign ' serves as soft sign | y - as English 'y' or as 'i' in 'sick' |
u - as 'oo' in English 'boom' | a - as 'a' in English 'fast' |
POLSKI: Polish: | ANGIELSKI: English: |
A | |
abonament | pre-paid service |
absolwent | graduate |
aby | in order |
adidasy | sneakers |
administracja | administration |
adoptowac | to adopt (a child) |
adres | address |
agrest | gooseberry |
akceptowac | to accept |
akcja | action |
aktor | actor |
alarm | alarm |
alarmowac | to alarm |
albo | in order |
ale | but |
alfabet | alphabeth |
algierski | Algerian |
aluzja | hint, allusion |
amunicja | ammunition |
aneks, dodatek | attachment, annex |
aniol | angel |
apel | apeal |
arabski | Arabian |
archiwum | archives |
arcydzielo | masterpiece |
areszt, aresztowac | arrest, to arrest |
arkusz | sheet |
artykul (w gazecie) | article |
artykul (towar) | item (of goods) |
artysta | artist |
atak | atack |
atrakcyjny | attractive |
australijski | Australian |
austriacki | Austrian |
auto | automobile |
autobus | bus |
automat | automat |
autor | author |
B | |
babcia | grandmother |
bac sie (ja sie boje) | to be afraid (I am afraid) |
badacz | researcher |
badac | to research |
bajka | fairy tale |
bajkowy | fabulous |
bandyta | bandit |
baran | goat |
bardziej | more |
barwa | color |
bawelna | cotton |
bez | without |
bezpieczenstwo | security |
bezposredni | direct |
beben | drum |
bialy (m.), biala (f) | white |
blonie | meadow |
blyskawica | lightning |
bo | because |
bloto | swamp |
bocian | crane |
bok | side |
brama | gates |
bredzic | to |
brzeg | bank (of river) |
buty | boots |
byc (Ja jestem; On, Ona jest) | to be (I am; He, She is) |
C | |
calkiem | totally |
caly (m.), cala (f.) | whole |
cerkiew | church |
cel | goal |
cena | price |
centrum | center |
Chiny | China |
Chinski | Chinese |
chleb | bread |
chlodnia | refrigirator |
chlodny (m.), chlodna (f.) | cold (adj.) |
chlopiec | boy |
chociaz` | though |
chrzest | baptism |
cialo | body |
cien | shadow |
ciez`ki | heavy |
co | what |
czas | time |
czekac (ja czekam) | to wait (I wait) |
czekolada | chocolate |
czeresnia | cherry |
Czerwiec | June |
czerwony (m.), czerwona (f.) | red (adj.) |
czwartek | Thursday |
czy | if, or |
czyj | whose |
czyn | act |
czysty | clear, tidy |
czytac | to read |
D | |
dach | roof |
dac (ja daje) | to give (I give) |
dbac | to care |
dab | oak |
dar | present (noun) |
deszcz | rain |
dla | for |
dlug | debt |
dluz`nik | debtor |
do | to |
doba | day (24 hours) |
dobry (m.), dobra (f.) | good (adj.) |
dobrze | good, fine! |
dom | house |
dorsz | cod (fish) |
dostep | access |
dosyc | enough |
dotad | until |
drabina | ladder |
drzewo | tree |
drzwi | doors |
dusza | soul |
duz`o | a lot, many, much |
duz`y, duz`a | great, big, large |
dywan | carpet |
dzien | day |
dzieki, dziekowac (Dziekuje!) | thanks to, to thank (Thanks!) |
E | |
echo | echo |
Egipt, egipski | Egypt, Egyptian |
egzamin | exam |
ekspedient | seller, salesman (in shop) |
Estonia, estonski | Estonia, Estonian |
Europa, europejski | Europe, European |
Ewangelia | Gospel |
ewidencja | accounting, statistics |
F | |
fala | wave |
farba | dye (painting material) |
fartuch | apron |
fasola | bean |
ferie | holidays |
Finlandia, finski | Finland, Finnish |
firanka | curtain |
flaga | flag |
G | |
galaz | branch |
garb | hill |
garnek | pot |
gdy | if |
gdzie? | where? |
gdzies | somewhere |
ges | goose |
glina | clay |
glos | voice |
glowa, glowny | head (noun), main (adj.) |
gluchy (m.), glucha (f.) | dumb |
gniazdo | nestle |
golab | dove |
gora | mountain |
gorszy, gorsza | worse |
gosc | guest |
Grecja, grecki m.), grecka (f.), grek | Greece, Greek (adj.), Greek (noun) |
gromada | gathering, group, community |
grzyb | mushroom |
gwiazda | star |
H | |
haczyk | hook |
haft | embroidery |
halas | noise |
halasowac | to make noise |
hamulec | brakes |
handel | trade |
hanba | shame |
haslo | motto, appeal |
helm | helmet |
hinduski, hinduska, Indie | Indian (m.), Indian (f.), Hindu, India |
historia, historyczny | history, historical |
honor | honour |
huczec, huk | to buzz, buzz / noise |
humor | humour |
I | |
i | and |
igla | needle |
ile? | how many? how much? |
ilosc | quantity |
imie | name |
inaczej | other way (adverb) |
inny (m.), inna (f.) | other |
interesujacy, interesujaca | interesting |
iskra | spark |
isc (ja ide) | to go (I go) |
Izrael, izraelski | Israel, Israeli |
J | |
jezyk | language |
jodla | fairy-tree |
jutro | tomorrow |
juz` | already |
K | |
kaczka | duck |
kamien | stone |
kapelusz | hat, cap |
kapusta | cabbage |
kapusniak | cabbage soup |
kara | punishment |
karac | to punish |
karp | carp (fish) |
kawa | coffee |
kawalek | piece |
kaz'dy, kaz'da | every, each |
kilka | a few, some |
kolacja | supper |
koniec | end |
koniecznie | necessarely |
konieczny, konieczna, konieczni | necessary (m.), necessary (f.), necessary (pl.) |
korona | crown |
kraj | land, country |
krag | circle |
kto | who |
ktos' | someone |
ktory | which |
kuchnia | kitchen |
Kwiecien' | April |
L | |
lampa | lamp |
las | forest |
latac | to fly |
lato | summer |
lecz | but |
lekarz | physician, doctor |
lekki, lekka | easy |
lepiej | better |
lew | lion |
lotnisko | airport |
lub | or |
lubic' | to love |
lud | people |
ludzie | men, people, folk |
Luty | February |
£ | |
£abedz | swan |
£ad | arrangement, organization |
£adny, £adna | nice, beautiful |
£agodny, £agodna, £agodni | tender, soft (m., f., pl.) |
£agodzic' | to repair |
£amac' | to break |
£apa | paw |
£apac' | to catch |
£askawy, £askawa | tender / merciful (m.) , tender (f.) |
£atwo, £atwy, £atwa | easily, easy (m.), easy (f.) |
£awka | bench |
£azienka | bathroom |
£aczny, £aczyc' | general, to connect |
£acznos'c' | connection |
£eb | forehead |
£opata | shuffle |
£otwa, £otewski | Latvia, Latvian |
£os' | elk |
£osos' | salmon |
£odz | boat |
£oz'ko | bed |
£uk | bow (noun) |
£up | booty |
£ysy, £ysa | bold (head, mountain) |
£yz'ka | spoon |
£yz'wy | ice-skater's boots |
£za | tear (on the eyes) |
M | |
machac' | to wave |
Maj | May |
mak | poppy flower |
malarz | painter |
malina | raspberry |
ma£o, ma£y, ma£a, ma£e | a little, small (m.), small (f.), small (pl.) |
ma£pa | monkey |
marchew | carrot |
martwy, martwa | dead (m.), dead (f.) |
Marzec | March |
marzenie, marzyc' | dream, to dream |
mas£o | butter |
matka | mother |
mecz | match |
meta | finish, goal |
mewa | seagull |
medrzec | sage |
meka | suffering |
miecz | sward |
miec', ja mam, ty masz, on/ona ma | to have, I have, You have, He/She has |
miedz | copper |
miejsce | place |
miedzynarodowy | international (m.) |
miekki, miekka | soft (m.), soft (f.) |
mi£os'c' | love |
miod | honey |
m£yn | mill |
mleko | milk |
mniej, mniejszy, mniejsza | less, smaller (m.), smaller (f.) |
modlitwa | prayer |
modlic sie | to pray |
Mo£dawia, Mo£dawski | Moldova, Moldovian |
morze | sea |
most | bridge |
mowa, jezyk | speach, language |
moz'e | maybe |
moc', ja moge, on moz'e, ty moz'esz | can, I can, he can, you can |
mroz | frost |
N | |
na | on |
na pewno | maybe, likely, surely |
na zawsze | forever |
nad | over |
nafta, ropa | oil (petroleum oil) |
najbardziej | the most, most |
najlepsze, najlepszy, najlepsza | best (adverb), best (m.), best (f.) |
nakaz | order (in sense of a law) |
namiot | tent |
naprzeciw | opposite to (adverb) |
narada | council, gathering, meeting |
nasz, nasza, nasze | our (m., f., pl.) |
nazwa | name |
nic | nothing |
nie | no |
nie | not |
niebieski, niebieska | blue (m., f.) |
niech | let (adverb) |
niegdys | sometime ago |
niemoz'liwy, niemoz'liwa | impossible (m., f.) |
niesc', ja niose | to carry, I carry |
niewiele | not many, a little |
niz' | than |
niz'ej | below |
noc | night |
nos | nose |
noz' | knife |
O | |
o | about |
obaj | both |
obok | near to, about |
ochrona | guard |
oddac', ja oddaje | to give back, I give back |
on, ona, oni | he, she, they |
oraz | and |
orze£ | eagle |
osio£ | donkey |
osoba | person |
os' | axys |
otoz' | therefore |
owoce | fruits |
P | |
palec | finger |
pa£ac | palace |
panstwo, panstwowy | state (noun), state (adj.) |
para | pair |
patyk | stick |
pieniadzy | money |
pierwszy, pierwsza | first (m., f.) |
pies | dog |
piesn' | song |
piwo | beer |
p£akac', ja, on p£acze | to cry, I cry |
po | over, on |
pociag | train |
pokoj | peace; 2.) room |
po£owa | half |
poniedzia£ek | Monday |
potem | then |
powies'c' | novel |
powietrze | air |
po£noc | north, midnight |
praca | work |
precz | away |
przed, przedni | before (adv.), front (adj.) |
przod | front (noun) |
przyjsc', ja przyjde | to come, I'll come |
pusty, pusta | empty |
pytanie | question |
R | |
rada | council |
rados'c' | joy |
reka | hand |
robic', ja robie | to do, I do |
rodzina | family |
rok | year |
rod, pokolenie | generation |
ruch | movement |
ryba | fish |
rybak | fisher, fisherman |
rynek, bazar | market |
ryz' | rise |
rzad | governement |
rzeka | river |
Rzym, Rzymski | Rome (city), Roman (adj.) |
rz'nac' | to cut |
c - as English 'ts' | j - as English 'y' in 'yolk' or 'yellow' |
ch - as English 'kh' or as 'ch' in Scottish Loch Ness | £ - stands for Polish hard 'l' |
sz - stands for 'sh' as in 'show' | cz - stands for 'ch' as in 'child' |
Polish 'rz' should be spelled as 'zh' | w - as English 'v' |
z' - as English 'zh' and in other cases sign ' serves as soft sign | y - as English 'y' or as 'i' in 'sick' |
u - as 'oo' in English 'boom' | a - as 'a' in English 'fast' |
POLSKI: Polish: | ANGIELSKI: English: |
A | |
abonament | pre-paid service |
absolwent | graduate |
aby | in order |
adidasy | sneakers |
administracja | administration |
adoptowac | to adopt (a child) |
adres | address |
agrest | gooseberry |
akceptowac | to accept |
akcja | action |
aktor | actor |
alarm | alarm |
alarmowac | to alarm |
albo | in order |
ale | but |
alfabet | alphabeth |
algierski | Algerian |
aluzja | hint, allusion |
amunicja | ammunition |
aneks, dodatek | attachment, annex |
aniol | angel |
apel | apeal |
arabski | Arabian |
archiwum | archives |
arcydzielo | masterpiece |
areszt, aresztowac | arrest, to arrest |
arkusz | sheet |
artykul (w gazecie) | article |
artykul (towar) | item (of goods) |
artysta | artist |
atak | atack |
atrakcyjny | attractive |
australijski | Australian |
austriacki | Austrian |
auto | automobile |
autobus | bus |
automat | automat |
autor | author |
B | |
babcia | grandmother |
bac sie (ja sie boje) | to be afraid (I am afraid) |
badacz | researcher |
badac | to research |
bajka | fairy tale |
bajkowy | fabulous |
bandyta | bandit |
baran | goat |
bardziej | more |
barwa | color |
bawelna | cotton |
bez | without |
bezpieczenstwo | security |
bezposredni | direct |
beben | drum |
bialy (m.), biala (f) | white |
blonie | meadow |
blyskawica | lightning |
bo | because |
bloto | swamp |
bocian | crane |
bok | side |
brama | gates |
bredzic | to |
brzeg | bank (of river) |
buty | boots |
byc (Ja jestem; On, Ona jest) | to be (I am; He, She is) |
C | |
calkiem | totally |
caly (m.), cala (f.) | whole |
cerkiew | church |
cel | goal |
cena | price |
centrum | center |
Chiny | China |
Chinski | Chinese |
chleb | bread |
chlodnia | refrigirator |
chlodny (m.), chlodna (f.) | cold (adj.) |
chlopiec | boy |
chociaz` | though |
chrzest | baptism |
cialo | body |
cien | shadow |
ciez`ki | heavy |
co | what |
czas | time |
czekac (ja czekam) | to wait (I wait) |
czekolada | chocolate |
czeresnia | cherry |
Czerwiec | June |
czerwony (m.), czerwona (f.) | red (adj.) |
czwartek | Thursday |
czy | if, or |
czyj | whose |
czyn | act |
czysty | clear, tidy |
czytac | to read |
D | |
dach | roof |
dac (ja daje) | to give (I give) |
dbac | to care |
dab | oak |
dar | present (noun) |
deszcz | rain |
dla | for |
dlug | debt |
dluz`nik | debtor |
do | to |
doba | day (24 hours) |
dobry (m.), dobra (f.) | good (adj.) |
dobrze | good, fine! |
dom | house |
dorsz | cod (fish) |
dostep | access |
dosyc | enough |
dotad | until |
drabina | ladder |
drzewo | tree |
drzwi | doors |
dusza | soul |
duz`o | a lot, many, much |
duz`y, duz`a | great, big, large |
dywan | carpet |
dzien | day |
dzieki, dziekowac (Dziekuje!) | thanks to, to thank (Thanks!) |
E | |
echo | echo |
Egipt, egipski | Egypt, Egyptian |
egzamin | exam |
ekspedient | seller, salesman (in shop) |
Estonia, estonski | Estonia, Estonian |
Europa, europejski | Europe, European |
Ewangelia | Gospel |
ewidencja | accounting, statistics |
F | |
fala | wave |
farba | dye (painting material) |
fartuch | apron |
fasola | bean |
ferie | holidays |
Finlandia, finski | Finland, Finnish |
firanka | curtain |
flaga | flag |
G | |
galaz | branch |
garb | hill |
garnek | pot |
gdy | if |
gdzie? | where? |
gdzies | somewhere |
ges | goose |
glina | clay |
glos | voice |
glowa, glowny | head (noun), main (adj.) |
gluchy (m.), glucha (f.) | dumb |
gniazdo | nestle |
golab | dove |
gora | mountain |
gorszy, gorsza | worse |
gosc | guest |
Grecja, grecki m.), grecka (f.), grek | Greece, Greek (adj.), Greek (noun) |
gromada | gathering, group, community |
grzyb | mushroom |
gwiazda | star |
H | |
haczyk | hook |
haft | embroidery |
halas | noise |
halasowac | to make noise |
hamulec | brakes |
handel | trade |
hanba | shame |
haslo | motto, appeal |
helm | helmet |
hinduski, hinduska, Indie | Indian (m.), Indian (f.), Hindu, India |
historia, historyczny | history, historical |
honor | honour |
huczec, huk | to buzz, buzz / noise |
humor | humour |
I | |
i | and |
igla | needle |
ile? | how many? how much? |
ilosc | quantity |
imie | name |
inaczej | other way (adverb) |
inny (m.), inna (f.) | other |
interesujacy, interesujaca | interesting |
iskra | spark |
isc (ja ide) | to go (I go) |
Izrael, izraelski | Israel, Israeli |
J | |
jezyk | language |
jodla | fairy-tree |
jutro | tomorrow |
juz` | already |
K | |
kaczka | duck |
kamien | stone |
kapelusz | hat, cap |
kapusta | cabbage |
kapusniak | cabbage soup |
kara | punishment |
karac | to punish |
karp | carp (fish) |
kawa | coffee |
kawalek | piece |
kaz'dy, kaz'da | every, each |
kilka | a few, some |
kolacja | supper |
koniec | end |
koniecznie | necessarely |
konieczny, konieczna, konieczni | necessary (m.), necessary (f.), necessary (pl.) |
korona | crown |
kraj | land, country |
krag | circle |
kto | who |
ktos' | someone |
ktory | which |
kuchnia | kitchen |
Kwiecien' | April |
L | |
lampa | lamp |
las | forest |
latac | to fly |
lato | summer |
lecz | but |
lekarz | physician, doctor |
lekki, lekka | easy |
lepiej | better |
lew | lion |
lotnisko | airport |
lub | or |
lubic' | to love |
lud | people |
ludzie | men, people, folk |
Luty | February |
£ | |
£abedz | swan |
£ad | arrangement, organization |
£adny, £adna | nice, beautiful |
£agodny, £agodna, £agodni | tender, soft (m., f., pl.) |
£agodzic' | to repair |
£amac' | to break |
£apa | paw |
£apac' | to catch |
£askawy, £askawa | tender / merciful (m.) , tender (f.) |
£atwo, £atwy, £atwa | easily, easy (m.), easy (f.) |
£awka | bench |
£azienka | bathroom |
£aczny, £aczyc' | general, to connect |
£acznos'c' | connection |
£eb | forehead |
£opata | shuffle |
£otwa, £otewski | Latvia, Latvian |
£os' | elk |
£osos' | salmon |
£odz | boat |
£oz'ko | bed |
£uk | bow (noun) |
£up | booty |
£ysy, £ysa | bold (head, mountain) |
£yz'ka | spoon |
£yz'wy | ice-skater's boots |
£za | tear (on the eyes) |
M | |
machac' | to wave |
Maj | May |
mak | poppy flower |
malarz | painter |
malina | raspberry |
ma£o, ma£y, ma£a, ma£e | a little, small (m.), small (f.), small (pl.) |
ma£pa | monkey |
marchew | carrot |
martwy, martwa | dead (m.), dead (f.) |
Marzec | March |
marzenie, marzyc' | dream, to dream |
mas£o | butter |
matka | mother |
mecz | match |
meta | finish, goal |
mewa | seagull |
medrzec | sage |
meka | suffering |
miecz | sward |
miec', ja mam, ty masz, on/ona ma | to have, I have, You have, He/She has |
miedz | copper |
miejsce | place |
miedzynarodowy | international (m.) |
miekki, miekka | soft (m.), soft (f.) |
mi£os'c' | love |
miod | honey |
m£yn | mill |
mleko | milk |
mniej, mniejszy, mniejsza | less, smaller (m.), smaller (f.) |
modlitwa | prayer |
modlic sie | to pray |
Mo£dawia, Mo£dawski | Moldova, Moldovian |
morze | sea |
most | bridge |
mowa, jezyk | speach, language |
moz'e | maybe |
moc', ja moge, on moz'e, ty moz'esz | can, I can, he can, you can |
mroz | frost |
N | |
na | on |
na pewno | maybe, likely, surely |
na zawsze | forever |
nad | over |
nafta, ropa | oil (petroleum oil) |
najbardziej | the most, most |
najlepsze, najlepszy, najlepsza | best (adverb), best (m.), best (f.) |
nakaz | order (in sense of a law) |
namiot | tent |
naprzeciw | opposite to (adverb) |
narada | council, gathering, meeting |
nasz, nasza, nasze | our (m., f., pl.) |
nazwa | name |
nic | nothing |
nie | no |
nie | not |
niebieski, niebieska | blue (m., f.) |
niech | let (adverb) |
niegdys | sometime ago |
niemoz'liwy, niemoz'liwa | impossible (m., f.) |
niesc', ja niose | to carry, I carry |
niewiele | not many, a little |
niz' | than |
niz'ej | below |
noc | night |
nos | nose |
noz' | knife |
O | |
o | about |
obaj | both |
obok | near to, about |
ochrona | guard |
oddac', ja oddaje | to give back, I give back |
on, ona, oni | he, she, they |
oraz | and |
orze£ | eagle |
osio£ | donkey |
osoba | person |
os' | axys |
otoz' | therefore |
owoce | fruits |
P | |
palec | finger |
pa£ac | palace |
panstwo, panstwowy | state (noun), state (adj.) |
para | pair |
patyk | stick |
pieniadzy | money |
pierwszy, pierwsza | first (m., f.) |
pies | dog |
piesn' | song |
piwo | beer |
p£akac', ja, on p£acze | to cry, I cry |
po | over, on |
pociag | train |
pokoj | peace; 2.) room |
po£owa | half |
poniedzia£ek | Monday |
potem | then |
powies'c' | novel |
powietrze | air |
po£noc | north, midnight |
praca | work |
precz | away |
przed, przedni | before (adv.), front (adj.) |
przod | front (noun) |
przyjsc', ja przyjde | to come, I'll come |
pusty, pusta | empty |
pytanie | question |
R | |
rada | council |
rados'c' | joy |
reka | hand |
robic', ja robie | to do, I do |
rodzina | family |
rok | year |
rod, pokolenie | generation |
ruch | movement |
ryba | fish |
rybak | fisher, fisherman |
rynek, bazar | market |
ryz' | rise |
rzad | governement |
rzeka | river |
Rzym, Rzymski | Rome (city), Roman (adj.) |
rz'nac' | to cut |
S | |
sad | garden |
samochod | car |
samolot | plane |
sam, sama | alone, same (m., f.) |
sasiad | neighbour |
schody | stairs |
sen | sleep, dream |
serce | heart |
siano | hay |
siec | network |
si£a | power, force |
skazac, ja mowie, on mowi | to say, I say, He says |
sklep | shop |
skora | leather |
s£once | sun |
s£owo | word |
s£uchac, ja s£ucham | to listen, I listen |
sok | juice |
sosna | pine tree |
spo£eczenstwo | society |
spotkanie | meeting |
srebro | silver |
stad | from here |
stol | table |
suchy, sucha | dry (m., f.) |
szesc' | six |
szkoda 2.) Szkoda! | damage 2.) It's a pity |
szum | noise |
Szwecja, szwedzki, szwed | Sweden, Swedish, Swede |
szyja | neck |
S' | |
s'ciana | wall |
s'cisly, scisla | exact, narrow |
s'lepy, s'lepa | blind (m., f.) |
s'miac sie, ja sie smie | to lough, I lough |
s'roda | Wednesday |
s'piewac', ja s'piewam | to sing, I sing |
s'mierc' | death |
s'rodek | middle (noun) |
s'rodowisko | enviroment |
s'wiat | world |
s'wiat£o | light |
s'wieca | candle |
s'winia | swine, pig |
s'wit | early morning, dawn |
T | |
tajemnica | secret |
tak | yes |
tam | there |
tamtedy | that way |
tani, tanio | cheap, cheaply |
telewizja | TV |
teraz | now |
t£o | background |
towarzystwo | society |
trawa | grass |
tres'c' | contents |
troche | a bit, a little bit, some |
trwac, to trwa | to last, it lasts |
tutaj | here |
tydzien' | week |
tymczasowo, tymczasowy | temporarily, temprary (m.) |
tyton' | tobacco |
tytu£ | title |
U | |
u | near, at, about, close to |
ucho | ear |
uczyc' | to teach |
udzia£ | particiaption |
ufac', ja ufam | I trust |
ulica | street |
umiec', ja umie, on umie | to be able, can; I can, He can |
u£amek | piece, broken part |
umowa 2.) warunek | agreement, 2.) condition |
Ukraina, ukrainski, ukrainska, Ukrainiec, Ukrainka, Ukraincy | Ukraine, Ukrainian (adj.: m., f.), Ukrainian (noun: m., f., pl.) |
umacniac' | to fortificate |
umrzec' | to die |
umys£ | intelligence |
uniknac, ja unikam | to avoid, I avoid |
upa£ | heat |
urodzaj | harvest |
ustroj | state, organization |
uwaga, uwaz'ny | attention, attentive |
uz'yc' | to use |
W | |
w (we) | in, at |
wapno | limestone |
waz'ny, waz'na | important (m.,f.) |
warstwa | layer |
waski, waska | narrow (m.,f.) |
wiara, wierzyc' | faith, to believe |
wies' | village |
wiec | therefore |
wiecej | more |
wiekszy, wieksza | bigger / greater (m., f.) |
wiele / duz'o | many, much |
wilk | wolf |
wis'nia | cherry |
wiosna | spring |
W£ochy, w£oski, w£och, w£oszka | Italy, Italian (adj.), Italian (m.,f.) |
woda | water |
wygrac' | to win |
wykorzystac' | to make use |
wyspa | island |
wzd£uz' | along |
wzwyz' | up |
Z | |
z (ze), 2) od | with, 2) from |
za | for, behind, beyond |
zabawa | game, play |
zabrac', ja zabieram | to take, I take |
zachod | west |
zadanie | task |
zagranica | abroad |
zakaz | prohibition |
zakonczenie | ending, end |
zakon'czyc' | to end, to finish |
zamiana | change |
zamiast | instead |
ziarno | seed, corn |
zielony, zielona | green (m.), green (f.) |
z£y, z£a | bad, evil (adj.) |
znowu | again |
zrozumiec', ja rozumiem | to understand, I understand |
zysk | income, profit |
Z' | |
z'aba | frog |
z'al | pity |
z'e | that |
z'eby | in order |
z'o£tko | yolk |
z'o£ty, z'o£ta | yellow (m.), yellow (f.) |
z'ona, 2.) kobieta | wife, 2.) woman |
z'uc' | to chew |
z'ycie, z'yc' | life, to live |
z'ydowski, z'yd | Jewish, Jew |
z'yto | rye |
z'ywy, z'ywa | alive (m.), alive (f.) |
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Page created on 27.04.2001 by Roman Zakharii (from Berezhany, Western Ukraine) in Oslo, Norway.
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